Students are expected to come presentable with clean and tidy clothes to college. They must conform to the standard of modesty maintained by the institution.
Students should wear the college uniform(white dress) on special occasions especially on Independence day.
Students are requested to wear their ID cards every day to college.
For all the latest updates and information, students should refer the college notice board daily.
There will be a General Assembly every Monday at 9.20a.m. Students are expected to assemble in the Assembly ground on time. Attendance is compulsory.
A full working day consists of two sessions,the morning session consisting of three55 minutes classes from 9.30a.m to 12.45p.m. and afternoon session with two 55 minutes classes from 1.30p.m. to 3.30p.m.
At the strike of the first morning bell at 9.25a.m. the students should assemble for the morning prayer. A Strict silence and discipline should be maintained during the prayer.
The students are expected to show proper reverence and respect to the principal, teachers and elders. The students should respectfully greet and thank the concerned teacher at the beginning and at the end of the hour respectively.
No students shall leave the classroom during the class hour without the permission of the teacher concerned. Students are expected to be regular and punctual to their classes and to all other college activities.
Strict silence and proper discipline must be observed during class hours and in the college premises.
A representative for each class will be appointed at the beginning of each year.
When the classes are dismissed, students are expected to leave the classroom in a quiet and orderly manner giving way to the staff members.
Letters officially addressed to the Principal should always be enclosed with self addressed reply postage.
The day scholars are not permitted to entertain visitors inside college. The students will have their letters and other communications addressed to their respective houses.
No student is allowed to use mobile phone inside the campus.
Books, Magazines and materials of any kind will be permitted inside the campus only after the approval of the head of the institution.
During free hours students should make use of the college Library.
Each student must go through the notices posted by the Office or Department on the notice boards and they are expected to take care of the notices till it is replaced.
All the missed/lost properties should be brought to the notice of the college office.
On no account the lunch can be taken inside any hall or room. It is the duty of each student to keep the campus clean. The food wastes, food wrappings, and unwanted papers should be discarded in the bins.
Students are expected to take proper care of the college property and help in keeping the premises neat and clean. Disfiguring the walls, doors or breaking the furniture is a breach of discipline and will be duly punished.
Ragging at any level is strictly prohibited.
Students should not, either by word or deed disturb the unity and harmony of the college. They are above politics and stand for all communities.
Students are forbidden from organizing any meetings in the college premises or collecting money for any purpose without the prior permission of the Principal.
Conformity to all these rules is a must for the admission of the student to the college.
Any student who violates any of the above mentioned rules and regulations either by word or deed shall be deemed to have committed a breach of discipline and the Principal shall have full rights to inflict any of the following punishments - fine, not giving attendance, refusal to issue term-certificate and conduct certificate, suspension and expulsion.
Regularity in all forms is expected from the students. Attendance will be taken by the teacher in-charge at the beginning of the class hour. Late comers will not be entertained inside the classrooms. Attendance during tests and internal assessments is compulsory.
75% of attendance is mandatory for the student to write her semester examination. Exemption may be granted on medical grounds or if a candidate is representing the College/University in sports, games, camps and other training programmes.
The students should have a minimum of 60% attendance to apply for con-donation, students having less than 60% of attendance will be asked to re-do the semester.
A student requiring leave must apply for it in advance in the respective form. In case of absence due to unforeseen cause, the application of leave should be submitted at the earliest and never later than the first day of return to the college. Leave applied for reasonable causes will be ordinarily granted.
A Medical Certificate must be submitted for extended leave (more than three days) in case of any health issues. For prolonged leave, the parent/guardian should contact the Principal not later than fourth day of the leave taken by the candidate.
A student requiring leave for an hour or portion thereof must apply to the teacher in-charge of that particular hour in person before the commencement of the class.
For students seeking leave for more than one hour, must submit a leave letter to the Head of the Department through their respective tutors.
A student who absents herself to the class without proper intimation, even for an hour, will not be given attendance for the whole day.
Appeal to Parents/Guardians
The Parents/Guardians are requested to extend full co-operation to the management with regard to the character, discipline, attendance and academic progress of their daughters/wards. Parents Teachers Meetings will be conducted periodically to receive feedbacks and suggestions from the parents for the betterment of the students and College.
The current students as well as the passed out students, desirous of getting transfer or conduct certificate can do so by formally applying to the Principal in the respective forms. Original certificates can be got only in person.
Petitions and Complaints
Requests, petitions, appeals and complaints of any kind must be made to the Principal only.
Students are not allowed to make a complaint in a body or to address any authority in a collective petition. Such combined action is subversive of good order.